Pilot Light on Stove Keeps Going Out

Pilot Light on Stove Keeps Going Out: Quick Fixes!

A pilot light that keeps going out on a stove is often due to a dirty or faulty thermocouple. Blockages in the pilot tube can also cause this issue.

Dealing with a troublesome pilot light on your stove can be both frustrating and concerning. The pilot light is a small flame that ignites the stove burner, and when it fails to stay lit, it prevents the stove from functioning properly.

Various factors can contribute to this common problem, ranging from simple maintenance issues like accumulated dirt to more complex mechanical malfunctions. Homeowners and renters alike need to understand the potential causes to effectively troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Regular cleaning and timely repairs can help ensure that your stove remains reliable and ready for use.

Pilot Light on Stove Keeps Going Out: Quick Fixes!

Credit: www.supertechhvac.com

Common Reasons Why Pilot Lights Go Out

Are you wondering why your pilot light keeps going out? A pilot light that constantly extinguishes can be frustrating. It can also make your appliance unreliable. Let’s explore some common culprits that could be to blame for this pesky problem.

Drafts And Sudden Gusts

Air movement in your kitchen can affect the pilot light. Even a mild draft from a window or door can snuff it out. This is what to lookout for:

  • Open windows and doors: They can let in gusts.
  • Vents and air currents: They should not direct air towards your stove.
  • Sudden changes in room pressure: They may cause drafts.

Shielding the pilot light area can help keep it lit. Always consult your stove’s manual or a professional before making changes.

Dirt And Debris Buildup

Over time, dirt and grime can accumulate on the pilot light’s components. This buildup can block the gas flow and snuff out the flame. Keep an eye out for these signs:

  • Soot: Indicates incomplete combustion.
  • Greasy buildup: Needs regular cleaning.
  • Debris: Can come from cooking or the environment.

A clean pilot light is a happy pilot light. Regular maintenance is key. For cleaning, use tools designed for the job or hire a professional.

Pilot Light on Stove Keeps Going Out: Quick Fixes!

Credit: chimneysolutionsindiana.com

Initial Checks Before Troubleshooting

When a pilot light on a stove keeps going out, it’s a signal to act. Before delving deep into troubleshooting, it’s essential to perform some preliminary checks. These initial steps can set the foundation for a smooth and effective repair process. Let’s dive into what you should look at first.

Gas Supply And Pressure

Begin by making sure that the gas supply is consistent. Check the main gas valve to ensure it’s fully open, allowing gas to flow unimpeded to the stove. Low gas pressure might be the culprit, which is often the case when multiple appliances show signs of weak performance. You can do this by quickly observing if the flame on other burners is normal.

  • Verify that the main gas valve is open.
  • Observe burners for normal flame.
  • Check for external gas line issues.

Pilot Light Opening Inspection

Next, inspect the pilot light opening. A clogged opening can snuff out the flame. Look for visible dirt or debris that might hinder the gas flow. If the pilot light appears dirty, cleaning may be required. This is a delicate job and should be done with care.

  1. Examine the pilot light for obstructions.
  2. Look for buildup of debris or dirt.
  3. Clean cautiously if needed.

Completing these initial checks ensures that basic issues are addressed first, paving the way for more complex troubleshooting if necessary.

Step-by-step Pilot Light Relighting

When the pilot light on your stove flickers out, it’s more than an inconvenience – it’s a hurdle to cooking your meals. Relighting that small flame is a simple process, though. This blog post details a safe and efficient method to get your stove’s pilot light burning steady once again. Follow the steps below, and you’ll be back to cooking in no time.

Safety First: Gas Leak Precautions

Before attempting to relight the pilot light, safety is paramount. Ensure there’s no smell of gas near the stove. If you detect a sulfur-like odor, ventilate the area and call emergency services. Don’t ignite matches or operate electrical switches if you suspect a leak. Once you’re certain the area is free from gas fumes, shut off the stove’s gas valve and wait a few minutes before you begin. These precautions protect you and your home.

Ignition Process

Start by locating your stove’s instruction manual. It will guide you to the pilot light’s precise location. Now, you’re ready to relight the pilot light:

  • Open the stove’s cover to access the burner area.
  • Find the pilot light assembly which is typically near the burners.
  • Turn the gas knob to the “Pilot” setting.
  • Hold a long match or lighter to the pilot opening (use the manual for specific location).
  • Press and hold the reset button (if available) while holding the flame to the pilot light opening.
  • Once the pilot light ignites, continue to hold the reset button for about one minute.

Confirming The Pilot Light Stays On

After relighting the pilot light, don’t rush to turn everything back on. Monitor the flame to ensure it stays lit for a few minutes. Look for a steady blue flame that doesn’t flicker or go out.

Step Action Result Expected
1 Check for steady flame Blue, consistent flame
2 Release the reset button Pilot light remains on
3 Turn gas knob to “On” Burners are ready for use

If the flame goes out immediately after relighting, there might be a deeper issue, like a faulty thermocouple. In such cases, consult a professional.

Pilot Light on Stove Keeps Going Out: Quick Fixes!

Credit: www.ex-kitchen.com

Troubleshooting Tips For Persistent Issues

When a pilot light on a stove keeps going out, it can be a real nuisance. Not only does it prevent your stove from working properly, but it may also signal an underlying issue that needs addressing. Fear not, as there are several diagnostic steps you can take to solve this persistent problem. Below, find key troubleshooting tips to help keep that crucial flame alive.

Adjusting The Pilot Flame

Proper adjustment of the pilot flame is essential. To do this, locate the pilot light and the screw for adjusting the flame. Here’s what to do:

  • Remove the stove’s cover plate.
  • Find the pilot light. It’s usually near the burners.
  • Look for a screw labeled ‘pilot’.
  • Use a screwdriver to turn the screw. This adjusts the flame height.
  • Aim for a blue flame that stands about 1/2 inch high.
  • Relight the pilot and observe the adjustment.

Thermocouple Cleaning And Replacement

If adjusting the pilot flame doesn’t work, the thermocouple might be the culprit. This safety device shuts off gas flow if the pilot light is not on. A dirty or faulty thermocouple will often cause the pilot light to go out. Below are steps for cleaning and replacing the thermocouple:

  1. Turn off the gas supply to your stove.
  2. Locate the thermocouple. It’s next to the pilot light.
  3. Clean the thermocouple using a piece of fine sandpaper. Gently scrub off any buildup.
  4. If cleaning doesn’t work, replace the thermocouple.
  5. Unscrew the old thermocouple and install a new one.
  6. Turn the gas back on and test your stove.

Tips: Always follow your stove’s manual instructions for specific thermocouple maintenance. It’s also a good idea to test your repair with a soap and water solution to check for leaks. If you’re not confident in your ability to perform these tasks, call a professional. Ensuring your safety is paramount.

When To Call A Professional

Your stove is a trusted companion in the kitchen. Sometimes, the pilot light just won’t stay lit. It’s not always clear what to do when this happens. You might feel the urge to fix it yourself. But some situations call for the expertise of a professional. It’s time to call a pro when simple fixes do not work. Regular maintenance by a pro can help too.

Recognizing Complex Gas Problems

Gas appliances can be tricky and dangerous. Are you noticing a gas smell when the pilot goes out? This is a red flag. Another sign is constant pilot light issues despite changing the thermocouple. These signs point toward gas flow or valve problems.

It is best to stay safe. Call a certified technician to sort these issues.

Benefits Of Professional Maintenance

Regular checks by a skilled technician come with great benefits:

  • Longevity of your stove increases with proper care.
  • Safety hazards reduce with regular inspections.
  • Efficiency improves, keeping your energy bills low.

Technicians come equipped with the right tools and knowledge. They spot things you may miss. Staying on top of maintenance prevents small issues from becoming costly repairs.

Preventative Measures To Keep Your Pilot Light Burning

A consistent pilot light on your stove means reliability and readiness for cooking. But when it keeps going out, the frustration builds. Let’s prevent that. A few simple measures can ensure a consistently lit pilot light. Follow these steps to keep your stove ready for action whenever you are.

Regular Cleaning

Over time, food particles and grease buildup can block the pilot light opening. Regular cleaning ensures a clear path for the gas to keep the flame alive. Implement these cleaning steps:

  • Turn off the gas before starting.
  • Remove stove top components to access the pilot light.
  • Use a needle or wire to clear debris from the pilot hole.
  • Wipe around the area with a damp cloth.
  • Dry completely before lighting the pilot again.

Proper Ventilation

Good airflow is crucial for a stable pilot light. A suffocated flame will go out. Confirm that your stove has the ventilation it needs:

Location Check Point
Stove area No drafts affecting the flame
Air inlets Clear of obstructions
Structure Meets local building codes

Routine Inspections

Annual check-ups by a professional can prevent most issues before they start. Regular maintenance might include:

  1. Examining the thermocouple for wear and tear.
  2. Testing the gas line pressure.
  3. Checking for proper flame height and color.
  4. Cleaning internal components not typically accessed.

Embrace these habits to keep your pilot light going. Remember, a well-maintained stove is a reliable stove!

Frequently Asked Questions Of Pilot Light On Stove Keeps Going Out

Why Does My Stove’s Pilot Light Keep Extinguishing?

A pilot light can go out due to several reasons: a dirty pilot tube, a faulty thermocouple, or drafts in the room. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent this issue.

How Do I Relight A Stove Pilot Light Safely?

To safely relight your stove’s pilot light, turn off the stove and gas supply. Wait for any gas to dissipate, then follow your stove’s manual instructions for relighting. Always ensure good ventilation.

Can A Faulty Thermocouple Cause Pilot Outages?

Yes, a faulty thermocouple can cause your stove’s pilot light to go out. It’s responsible for sensing the pilot flame and controlling the gas flow. Consider replacing it if it’s defective.

What Maintenance Can Prevent Pilot Lights From Going Out?

Regular cleaning of the pilot light area and checking the thermocouple can prevent outages. It’s also important to ensure there are no drafts that could blow the flame out.


Troubleshooting your stove’s pilot light can be straightforward and safe. Remember to consult your manual and consider professional help for complex issues. Keeping your stove in top shape ensures reliability and safety in your kitchen. For more tips on appliance maintenance, keep following our blog.

Frustrating pilot light troubles don’t have to darken your day!


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